How to import reference images, video and image sequences into Maya.
Import a Reference Image Using an Image Plane-
1. First place your reference image(s) or image sequences in the project's sourceimages folder.
2. Create > Free Image Plane
An empty image plane will appear in the viewport and the Attribute Editor will open on the right side of the screen.
2. Click on the attribute editor Tab below the Channel Box, then click on the folder next to Image Name.
This will open a new window. Select the image you wish to import and click open. This will load the reference image into the viewport.
Import an Image Sequence Using an Image Plane-
To import an image sequence with an image plane follow the same steps, and select the first image in the sequence. Once the first image is imported into the viewport, check the box for use image sequence.
When you scrub through the time slider the image sequence should play.
Maya can be very fussy about file type and hates compression, if for any reason you images do not load, try changing the file type. Maya tends to prefer tiffs, targas, and jpegs.
Import an Image Sequence Attached to a Camera-
1. Create > Camera
A new camera will appear at the origin in the viewport.
We need to look through this camera in order to attach an image sequence.
2. Panels > Perspective > camera1
Now you will be looking through the new camera you created instead of the default persp camera. Next you need to select the camera to assign an image plane to it.
3. View > Select Camera
Now you are ready to attach an image plane to the camera.
4. View > Image Plane > Import Image
A menu will open to the sourceimages folder. Select the first image in the image sequence and click Open.
5. Click on the attribute editor tab and below Image Name, turn Use Image Sequence On.
Import a Movie Attached to a Camera-
1. Place your reference video file in the project's movies folder.
2. Follow all the same steps as attaching an image sequence to camera, however instead of importing and image you will import a movie.
The camera will act like a projector, the image sequence or movie will be attached to it. To reposition or scale the image sequence or movie you have to move or scale the camera.